3: The Cats

3 things that unnerve us about our feline companions.

In loving memory of Jack, the cat.

  1. Cats are able to mimic a baby's cry with their meows. Years ago, I heard a quiet cry late at night in my home and went to investigate. We had no babies living with us at the time, so I expected to see a ghost. Instead, as I approached the living room, the cry slowly transformed into a meow.
  2. Cat's favourite "gift" to give to their owner is a freshly killed, small animal.
  3. You're a college-age White House intern on your first day on the job. Your manager tasks you with filing away unimportant memos in the basement. "Watch your steps, Jr." Eager to impress, you quickly make your way into a dimly lit storage room lined with rusted cabinets. As you find the correct location to put away the memos, you hear a meow. Turning, you see a small cat, its green eyes glowing from the shadows. You try to show that you mean no harm, but the cat is scared away anyway. Task completed, you hurry to the stairs but hear the meow again. "Bye, kitty!" The green-eyed cat bolts toward you. The cat grows to the size of a lion, each step booming, and only keeps growing as it closes in on you. Before you can be mauled, the beast passes through you. The basement falls silent. You report back to your manager. "So, I'm guessing you've met D.C.?"

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Editor in Chief of Fright.